The Shift

Feature Film
'The Shift (2023)' film poster

Kevin Garner travels across worlds and dimensions to reunite with Molly, the love of his life. A mysterious adversary known as The Benefactor upends Kevin's world as he tries to escape an alternate dystopian reality.

Release Date:
December 1, 2023
Brock Heasley

Production Company: Nook Lane Entertainment

Liz's Character

Molly Garner

With the worst pick up line in the history of pick up lines, Molly approaches a stranger at a bar and accidentally meet-cutes her way into a date, a marriage and a family with Kevin Garner. Although life and reality shift quickly in this sci-fi thriller, Molly remains the steadfast, grounding influence that Kevin needs to become a better version of himself. But perhaps in another reality, Kevin can be that influence for Molly.

Fun Fact: Between the flash forwards, the flash backs and the various Mollys in alternate universes, Liz had a total of 33 wardrobe, hair and makeup changes.


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